Monday, September 22

College Grad!

I've taken a couple of days off from posting, because it's been a busy weekend around our household! My husband has finally graduated from college with his Bachelor's Degree. It's really been a long road - about 9 years of off and on coursework, but I am so proud of him for finally finishing. I don't think we'll know what to do with him actually having free time (and neither will he). We had a big celebration for him this weekend because this is really a big accomplishment for him.

Serge finished his degree after someone suggested an online university to us. I wasn't sure about them and so I did some research. I found a good site called which not only has all kinds of great information, but it even includes a forum where you can hear from real people who actually take college courses online. (As you know, I'm a big fan of that!)

I discovered that most online programs are actually part of actual colleges with real buildings and not just virtual creations. The program Serge did was very simliar in cost to what we were paying at the local university. The difference was that he was able to do this easily while working full-time. Instead of scheduling classes and having to work around his school schedule, he's able to work a regular 8 hour day and do his coursework at home whenever he had the time, without ever having to "go" to school. Basically his classes lasted 5 weeks. He bought a book for each class and was required to participate in discussions through board postings and write a paper for every class. He was even able to get federal financial aid and he recieved employer tuition reimbursement for it.

I would recommend to anyone who is having trouble doing college the traditional way - especially if you're working full-time or you have children - look into online colleges. They are legitimate and a great way to earn your degree when you have more obligations than the traditional college student.

I will normally be posting more on the weekends and surrounding days, such as good grocery and drugstore deals for the week - but for this weekend, I think Serge deserves a post of his own.